Qt5 interface of the popular PDF library MuPDF
This is the complete list of members for MuPDF::Page, including all inherited members.
Document class | MuPDF::Page | friend |
isValid() const | MuPDF::Page | |
renderImage(float scaleX=1.0f, float scaleY=1.0f, float rotation=0.0f) const | MuPDF::Page | |
setBackgroundColor(int r, int g, int b, int a=255) | MuPDF::Page | |
setTransparentRendering(bool enable) | MuPDF::Page | |
size() const | MuPDF::Page | |
text(const QRectF &rect) const | MuPDF::Page | |
textList() const | MuPDF::Page | |
~Page() | MuPDF::Page |